One southwest town has been given a financial boost for working towards building a healthier community by fostering intergenerational connections. 

The Town of Shaunavon received $8,000 for its Age Friendly programs through the province's Community Initiative Fund (CIF). 

Committee Member for Age Friendly, Kim Anderson, is excited to continue offering a variety of activities and events that connect youth to the older generation. 

"[The programs] engage children, teens and seniors in a combination of literacy, technology and arts and crafts," she said. "We believe that connected communities are healthier communities."

The Tech Time program provides ongoing technology training and support to southwest residents on a weekly basis. High school students meet with seniors on a drop-in basis to help them with whatever technology issues they're having.

Anderson added that they hope to host another Wellness Day soon, which supports healthy aging in rural Saskatchewan by providing clinics and workshops on topics of interest to seniors. Including things like financial health, awareness on frauds and scams, healthy living, mental health, and exercise.

Arguably the most popular among both generations is the Literacy Events--a day of enjoying stories, crafts, and snacks together.

"It's very well received; the kids really look forward to meeting with their reading buddies and the adults also look forward to meeting with the kids," added Anderson.

To follow along with Age Friendly's latest endeavors, see their social media page here.