The racers are ready, their cars are primed, and the hill is waiting for them to fly by on June 16.

The Swift Current Soap Box Racing Association has everything ready to go for Father's Day Weekend, where they will be racing from the top of Centre Street, all the way down the hill to just outside Pharmasave. 

President of the Swift Current Soap Box Racing Association, Cody Kendall, encourages people to come out and watch as the kids pilot their races across the finish line.

"There are some pretty cool cars out there to see and they all have pretty big smiles on their faces at the end of the day," said Kendall.

While the soap box cars can only steer by roughly 3 degrees in either direction, they are capable of hitting speeds of 30 mph, giving the kids a thrill as they roll down the hill. 

Sometimes, the Soap Box Racing Association makes it out to local car shows, where people can ask them directly about the event and the racing. Sometimes, the Soap Box Racing Association makes it out to local car shows, where people can ask them directly about the event and the racing.

Each car is sponsored, featuring decals and colours that represent the support they garner. Kids can also do some customization, picking out a design and implementing it with the help of a parent or other member of the Swift Current Soap Box Racing Association. 

"It's a great way to bring the families together," said Kendall. "Kids all get to work on their own cars. They get to clean them and they can add their stickers and they just get to kind of work on their own ideas."

People who are coming out to watch are encouraged to stand along the road, be that at the top of the hill, along the middle of the stretch, or down by the finish line. 

While it might seem dangerous, the sport has a long history containing very few incidents. The kids do five practice runs before they do the big race, all the while wearing helmets and learning to brake when needed. 

If your child ends up wanting to participate, there is room in next year's roster for more racers. Interested parents can reach out if they have questions or wish to enroll their child. 

"We have the Swift Current Soap Box Racing Association Facebook page," said Kendall. "And they can message us on there."