Learning about espionage is pretty fun, especially when surrounded by actual spy equipment.

That's what's going on over at the Swift Current Museum. Yesterday, they kicked off their Spy School program, which is running in conjunction with their new exhibit.

Corla Rokochy, the program coordinator for the Swift Current Museum, has enjoyed seeing the children participate in the program and exhibit.

"We've had several families through [since yesterday] and you can probably expect to spend about an hour or so here to go through the different displays and different activities," said Rokochy. " At the end, there's a certificate that you can fill out with your super secret spy name. It says that you completed spy school at the Swift Current Museum."

The Cipher | Decipher Exhibit is on loan from Canada Science and Technology Museum, which developed it alongside the Communications Security Establishment. It will be on display in the Swift Current Museum until this coming March. It features many implements associated with or used in subterfuge, including a real 'Enigma Machine'.

Some spy gear in the exhibit display.Some spy gear used in the Enigma Machine on display in the exhibit. (photo courtesy of Corla Rokochy)

"It's from the [Second World War] and was used to send secret messages so that the enemy couldn't intercept the transmissions," explained Rockochy. "They were able to create a way to break the enigma, but it took a long time because there were so many combinations because of the routers used. We have a real one on display here for people to come and see."

Kids in the program are presented with an envelope that contains their instructions. These top-secret orders direct them to various stations in the museum, each of which contains instructions. Each of these locations has an objective that must be completed, including constructing a disguise to help avoid being identified. 

These young spies will have a communication network in place, utilizing walkie-talkies to help crack the codes and challenges at the different stations. 

"There are different activities for all reading levels for all ages," said Rokochy. "It's a lot of fun for everyone."

Admission is via donation, and doors are open for everyone from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No appointments are required for the event or the exhibit, and everyone is encouraged to come out and learn something new.