Cadets of all ages and affiliations were honoured during the Annual Ceremonial Review last week.

Thursday night saw all three Swift Current Cadet Corps stand together at the Colonel Clifton Centre, receiving accolades for their dedication, improvements, and ability to meet the standards demanded of them.

Swift Current is fairly unique in that the Navy League Cadets, Sea Cadets, and Air Cadets are able to parade together. All said and told, they garnered over 60 awards during the evening. 

Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Group Lieutenant Jeff Giesbrecht was proud of all the work his cadets, and the others, put in this year to arrive at this pinnacle of their careers. 

"They've been working hard all year," said Giesbrecht. "They take a lot of pride in their uniforms and the way they display themselves. They are great examples of the program."

Cadets are able to build their skills in self-maintenance, equipment and uniform upkeep, and other skills they can employ throughout their lives. The military traditions they are able to observe and partake in can help them build a strong respect for the practices and habits that go into leadership positions. 

For their efforts in perfecting these and other aspects of the program, they are recognized, rewarded, and cheered on by their friends, family, and peers. 

These refinements in the different Cadet Corps become more apparent as they march together. This is an aspect of the Annual Ceremonial Review unique to Swift Current.

"I think we're the only Air Cadet, Sea Cadet, and Navy League Cadet Corps that parade together at the same time," said Giesbrecht. "We do a lot of events together and it just creates such a great atmosphere for the kids."

Anyone interested in joining the Cadet Corps is welcome to inquire with active members or to review their website. This year, the programs will continue for a while longer, as the awards were dolled out early. 

"We had our annual review a little earlier this year because our great commander was aging out," said Giesbrecht. "We're going to have some more fun this summer, hopefully get out on a few more activities."