It will be a short stay for a Swift Current Provincial Court judge as he's climbing the ranks quickly.

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Arif Virani appointed Judge Michael Tomka to the Court of King's Bench in Saskatoon on Wednesday to fill a vacancy left by N. Bardia.

"I wish Justice Tomka every success as he takes on his new role," said Virani "I am confident he will serve the people of Saskatchewan well as a member of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan."

Tomka transferred to Swift Current in September of 2023 from Meadow Lake after serving over two years as a provincial court judge in northern Saskatchewan.

The 1997 University of Saskatchewan law degree grad has had multiple stints in the private practice sector and worked as a Crown Prosecutor, before becoming a judge in 2021.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice was contacted for a timeline on Tomka's departure and if they've found a judge to fill his role in Swift Current but no answers were shared by the time this article was published.