Swift Current will be operating under their brand new Strategic Plan.

The City of Swift Current unveiled their new Strategic Plan during Monday's city council meeting.

The plan goes over their goals for developing the community, economy, and culture in Swift Current over the next five years.

Working with the City to develop this plan was Laura Soparlo, of Laura Soparlo Consulting, and Penny Popp, of Penny Popp Consulting.

"What really makes the difference for your city is what we do with (the plan) all right," began Soparlo.

A big part of the Strategic Plan is the core goals that direct it. This considers the close to 600 responses they got during the public survey, as well as the results from their 14 focus groups.

The points for development they came up with were advancing the community, strengthening economic sustainability and prosperity, enhancing city operations and services, and finally strengthening the people, leadership, and governance.

Advancing the community means things like working on safety and well-being for people in Swift Current. Furthering resources like fire, police, housing and health all help to contribute to the community's stability, as well as help improve city operations in those fields. Also included in the that are things like sports, arts, culture and recreation, to help encourage people to combine and cooperate in their down time.

Economically, things like business, industry and maintaining a sustainable workforce are key players. Investing in sturdy and reliable infrastructure helps to prop up economies. That means developing facilities, transportation, energy, and efficiency across all those items.

Better growing the City's leadership and governance involves internal planning and structuring for internal staff and leadership practices. Things like strategic recording and being transparent with and reporting back to the community all help to strengthen a governing body.

"From time to time you engage citizens to keep in touch with them and so that they're constantly involved in the dialogue, however that looks," expanded Soparlo. "You've got a strategy that's related to that enhanced community engagement."

Soparlo made sure council was clear on the fact that as the community grows and changes, their needs and wants may change too, so the plan should remain open and visible to the community. Doing so allows the City to change the plan and adjust its objectives in orientation with current demands.

Through this plan, Swift Current will be aiming to bring new opportunities for events, work, and general life in the city to greater heights. Members of council had nothing but praise for the work that has gone into finding out all the information that went into developing this plan.  Commending both Popp and Soparlo for their work, as well as every city employee that has helped develop this guide over the last few years.