Folks in the southwest are getting ready to flip up the kickstand and raise some funds for cancer research.

The annual Ride for Dad is returning to Swift Current on June 10 for their ten-year anniversary, according to co-chair Mary-Lou Gates.

"We have raised, just in Swift Current alone, over $549,000," she said. "We have a doctor from Saskatoon that will be coming down to accept a cheque from our past ride–and it'll be a big number for him, so we're pretty excited about that." 

She added that the research into prostate cancer is working, with doctors actively gaining ground and confidence in finding a cure. 

The day kicks off with breakfast from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., and registration opening at 8 a.m. at the Living Sky Casino. Motorcyclists will parade through Swift Current at 10 a.m.

To register as a participant, make donations to the ride, or to read more information, click here.