No more dusty roads for any cowboys looking to have a showdown.

That's because the City of Swift Current has finished its street sweeping schedule for the year, and will be moving into its maintenance schedule. 

Mitch Minken, the general manager of infrastructure and operations for the City of Swift Current, is excited to see the project wrapping up within budget and on time.

"We had a bit more of a heavier workload to start," said Minken. "With the dry conditions in the earlier spring, but now it should be good to go with the rain washing away most of the dust."

Folks will still be able to spot the street sweepers making rounds on Fridays in the downtown of Swift Current. As a busier traffic centre, it will need regular sweeps to make sure dust and debris are well managed. 

Anyone who thinks that their residential street could use another pass can submit a suggestion by clicking here