Mother Nature is forcing Swift Current's outdoor rinks to take a brief hiatus.

Earlier this morning the City announced its facilities will be closed to the public due until the weather allows for flooding to commence again. 

City's Parks Manager Michael Newell said they've been keeping an eye on the rinks the last few days and had to make the tough call.

"The ice has gotten so thin that the asphalt underneath it is showing," he said. "It's a big safety concern so we don't want anybody injured or hurt."

Temperatures through the weekend in Swift Current include daytime highs above the freezing mark making it an impossible task to re-open the rinks until early next week.

"Hoping that Mother Nature cooperates with us so that we can start flooding again," he said. "This has definitely been an outlier since I've been here and dealing with outdoor rinks. Usually, we get one warm spell but nothing to the height of the conditions we currently have."