Employment numbers for southwest Saskatchewan are in for June, announcing that the area is continually improving their statistics.

Since June 2018, the Swift Current to Moose Jaw area covered by Statistics Canada has improved in a number of ways compared to the same month last year.

Across that area, the unemployment rate increased in that period, as it jumped from 4.4 per cent to 4.9 per cent, which while up, was not indicative of the direction the statistics were heading.

The employment rate, on the other hand, improved from 61.8 to 62.2 per cent in that time.

Another slight increase was seen in the labour force category, as statistics outlined that the area's labour force increased from 52.5 per cent last year to 52.8 per cent last month.

As the year progressed, the participation rate also saw a gain of 0.3 per cent as more residents of the area became involved in the labour force.

The number of people not in the labour force went down a comparatively significant amount. Two thousand eight hundred and seventy people were not in the labour force back in 2018, and that statistic is now at 2,780.

Compared to Canada as a whole, the area is sitting below the national average for statistics like unemployment, which is at 5.5 per cent across Canada.

However, Canada's employment rate is slightly above the Swift Current and Moose Jaw area, as that sits at 62.5 per cent.