It's not uncommon to see wildlife roaming throughout Swift Current, especially in areas around Swift Current Creek, but it can be a surprise for anyone who gets up close and personal with them.

Colin saw some deer on a walk along the Chinook Pathway near Ashley Park on Wednesday night, and there were more deer nearby at Ashley Park Hall and the former Ashley Park School yard.

It's easy for you or your kids to get excited when they see a deer in the city, but the best thing to do when you see one is to stay calm and keep your distance as deer, like all wildlife, can be unpredictable. It's also important that you do not approach any fawns that may be lying alone in a field. Their mother will return and may act aggressively if anyone is too close to it. If a deer finds their way into your backyard, don't go out and chase it away. Stay inside with your children and pets and let it leave on its own. Most importantly, never feed deer or any other wild animals.

You're more likely to encounter deer as you're driving on the highways, especially at this time of year. When you do, stay calm and stop for the deer if you are able to, and sound your horn to scare it away. If one does appear suddenly, brake firmly and keep your vehicle in control without swerving into oncoming traffic or the ditch. SGI has some advice in the event that your vehicle does get hit by wildlife on their website

Have you had any urban encounters with wildlife? Share your story with us!