The Best Buddies program at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School is looking to fund its efforts, virtually.

'Best Buddies' is a program for the Comp, which seeks to help create friendships, and to engage leadership qualities, in those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Various members of the student body volunteer to participate, spending time with members at various events and activities. 

Tom Christiansen, city councillor for the City of Swift Current, announced that the program will be initiating a virtual bottle drive.

"We're raising some money to help fund their outings and their supplies and snacks that they use for their in-school activities," said Christiansen. "They're having a virtual bottle drive, so they have a new account set up at SARCAN that allows people to drop off their recycling and donate the funds to the Best Buddies program if they wish."

Best Buddies don't just facilitate friendships in the Comp during school hours. These funds help them to attend 57's games, Bronco's games, movies, bowling nights, baking nights at Schimmels Bakery, and more.  

If anyone wants to use the drop-and-go feature at SARCAN, they can still help to contribute. Just use the code scchsbestbuddies and the funds will be added to the account. 

Anyone who wants to know more about the Best Buddies program can contact Christiansen by calling 306-773-2801.

"I'll be happy to answer any questions," encouraged Christiansen.