The Kal Tire 18U AAA 57’s split a doubleheader on Saturday with a 5-2 win and an 11-9 loss to the White Butte Broncos at Kinsmen Field.

Aiden Kilshaw hit a home run in the victory and Ethan Bailey added a homer in the second game for the 57's, who also suffered an 11-1 loss to the Saskatoon Giants on Sunday. 

The 18U 57's have their annual pink game against the Sask Five Marlins on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. from Mitchell Field which will raise funds for Rustyn Paul and Bella Thomson. Last year's pink game raised over $3000 for both families.

Other minor ball on the weekend saw the 15U AAA 57’s split a doubleheader with the Saskatoon Astros, winning 9-6 and 10-0 on Saturday, while the 13U AAA 57’s took three of four on the weekend with a 15-3 victory over the Lumsden Cubs, a 7-6 win over the Beavers, and a 12-6 win and 11-6 loss to the Wolfpack.