Local non-profit and volunteer-based organizations only have two days left to apply for some financial assistance from the provincial government. 

Each year the City of Swift Current applies and is given funds based on its population, which becomes the City's responsibility to distribute. 

Community recreation coordinator Krista Caswell explained the grant is to benefit organizations whose sole purpose is to provide programs and services in the sport, culture or recreation sector.

"Our ultimate goal is to make sure that anyone who applies, as long as they fit into the criteria that Saskatchewan Lotteries has set, out will get some form of funding," she said. "Our minimum allotment is $250 and that's set out from Saskatchewan Lotteries. We can go up from there, too, it just depends on what they're offering and if they're hitting the certain benchmarks that we look for."

Projects or programs must be offered between April 1 and March 31 of the grant year, and applications must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 14.

There are multiple ways to apply, including through the City's website, filling out a paper copy at City Hall, or by calling Caswell with any questions or concerns at (306) 778-2787.

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