If you're a certain age, you probably remember a time when you were a kid, sitting in front of the TV on Saturday morning watching cartoons while enjoying your favourite breakfast cereal, and fighting to be the first in your family to get the precious prize inside the cereal box.

It may be surprising to some that these plastic trinkets that were once common in cereal boxes have been nowhere to be found in the last decade or so, but that's going to change. This week, General Mills announced they will be putting prizes in cereal boxes again by offering colour-changing spoons in boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios, Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

What do you think about this? Are you going to collect these prizes? What's the best thing that you've gotten from a cereal box, and do you still have those little prizes that you collected as a child? Share your stories and photos on Facebook or Twitter, or email magic97@swiftcurrentonline.com!