As a well-known Swift Current resident and avid supporter and fundraiser for the local SPCA, it should be no surprise that Devon Oman and his production company Dead Prairie Productions have raised close to $22,000 for the local animal shelter.

Oman details how the production company began.

"We first started off in 2012 as a company for low budget horror movies with three guys, myself, Logan Demeris and Bob Taylor and we filmed a movie called Zombegeddon and we started off as we were going to be doing the filming and acting in it but then it grew and we actually got a lot more people involved and that expanded over time."

Since 2012 the production company has done numerous film-related events and sold merchandise with all profits going towards the SPCA.

Animals have always been a part of his life as Oman details.

"SPCA was a huge part of my family's life. They always had dogs and cats when I was growing up and they would always take me out to the SPCA to see the animals and give them some company when they are waiting for their forever homes. I also adopted three dogs from the SPCA."

All of the money that has been raised goes towards helping the animals whether it is through sponsorship, needed supplies, or vet bills. Every little bit helps the dogs and cats there. 

Oman recently became an SPCA board member and says he is learning a lot but still has much to learn and hopes he can bring a lot to the table and be a voice for the animals.

In terms of support from the community, Oman says they have always been very supportive in terms of helping out with the films, purchasing merchandise, and supporting his fundraising efforts.

 Oman has also personally raised funds for the organization through his own events and so between his fundraising and that of Dead Prairies Productions well over $22,000 has been raised.

Those interested can follow Dead Prairies Productions on FaceBook and Instagram and Oman also revealed that shortly there will be a number of short horror films coming out from filmmakers across Canada and the US.