The Swift Current Comprehensive High School (SCCHS) has hosted its third Chalk the Walk, bringing art students to the forefront to showcase their talent and creativity. 

Chalk the Walk is an annual event bringing art classes from grades 9 to 12 outdoors to create their temporary masterpieces. Hundreds of pieces of chalk of every colour scattered the walkways surrounding SCCHS, tools to bring the students’ imaginations to life. 

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Mandy Herrick, the art teacher at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School was supervising the budding artists.  

“It's up to 100 art students and they are creating artworks on the sidewalks surrounding the school,” explained Herrick. “We also have their parents invited to a reception at the end of the day, which is nice. The parents come and take photos and take a walk around and just to bring more art to and around the school and to showcase them for the day.” 

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Herrick was glad that so many students were able to create their works under the school’s awning, as it gave the temporary work just a little longer in the spotlight.  

“I always say it's one of my favorite days of the year, and for them too, because they just have such a fun time.” stated Herrick. “They are free as far as what they want the design to be, because they're supposed to be communicating their own artwork. Some of them choose a realistic design, and then some of them have really deep, meaningful messages.” 

Hannah Riego is in the 10th grade and drew a distorted face with every possible color at her disposal. 

“I just found something on Pinterest, but it's really fun art. It shows a lot of vibrancy and shows how interesting a shape is, just going with the flow.” 

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Caitlin Lowrie of the 10th grade art class explained her summer scene. 

“I'm doing Snoopy underwater with fish and coral and then Woodstock the bird on a floaty on top with an island in the background. I just love drawing Snoopy, in the last year’s was Snoopy and Charlie Brown sitting at a dock with Woodstock surfing. I just want to do a summer theme.”