A determined man on a bicycle could be seen on the Trans Canada highway, quickly making his way from Swift Current to Moose Jaw as a part of a cross-country bike ride for a touching cause.

Sgt. Dayne Campbell of the Vancouver Police Department is currently on a 7, 000 kilometer bike ride to raise funds for cancer research and spread awareness. 

Campbell had previously participated in the 'Cops for Cancer' fundraising bike ride, but it wasn't until his teenage daughter was diagnosed with a form of cancer called myxoid liposarcoma, that it began to hit home.

He began the tour only a couple weeks ago, on May 6 and has set the goal of completing the journey in one month, as opposed to the regular three months the would normally take. 

In a show of support, RCMP were seen escorting Campbell as he rode on the highway, already raising more than 82 per cent of his $40, 000 goal.

In an interview with the Vancouver Police Foundation, Campbell noted that; "As a parent, there really isn't much you can do other than hope that she gets the care she deserves, and that it all works out, one of the things that I know I can do is cucle and continue to promote this cause in hopes that one day we don't need to do this any longer."

Anyone interested in more information or donating towards Campbell's ride across Canada can visit the 'Cops for Cancer' page on the Canadian Cancer Society's website.