Leader's Hospital re-opened in June of 2011 after Dr. Amu-Darko arrived in the community


One of the doctors who helped re-open the Leader Hospital this summer is planning to resign.

The Cypress Health Region says Dr. Kofi Amu-Darko, who arrived in Leader back in June of this year, has submitted a letter of resignation taking effect at the end of February.

Executive Communications Director Bryce Martin says they were very thankful for Dr. Amu-Darko for helping restore emergency services at the hospital after being shut down for more than a year: "His arrival in June was long-awaited and long-anticipated... he indeed does play a vital role along with his colleagues at the clinic in providing a stable medical service in the community."
Now the Health Region is trying to do what they can to retain Dr. Amu-Darko in Leader. Martin added "We are very hopeful that we're going to be able to have some concrete discussions with Dr. Amu-Darko to allow him to reconsider his decision, and to stay in Leader as part of the primary health care team".
However, Martin says Dr. Mohammed Hoque is almost done his remediation work with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan, and could start practicing in Leader very soon.
Click here for the story on the re-opening of the Leader Hospital from June 2011.  
Colin Powers talked with Bryce Martin about the physician situation in Leader: