With the holiday fast approaching, many are searching for their gifts early, and usually, reach for a gift card for their friends or family.

The Saskatchewan government recently released a warning about gift cards, as Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority (FCAA) has seen a rise in calls and complaints about gift cards after the holiday season has concluded.

These calls usually stem from usage limits and expiry dates. So the FCAA has some tips to help you with gift cards this holiday season.

One tip is to make sure you read the fine print on a card before buying it to understand what limits may exist on its use. Also, you should try to remain vigilant while buying cards, as gift cards bought and sold in Saskatchewan are not allowed to have an expiry date (with a few exceptions). Also, all fees must be paid up front, and no additional monthly or usage fees are allowed to be added on after the purchase.

Consumers are also advised to use their gift cards quickly. Using Sears as an example, if a company goes out of business, it may be hard to get a refund or any value for the card.
You can find more tips and information on gift cards on the FCAA's website.

Also, keep on the lookout for local businesses this holiday season. Many small businesses in Moose Jaw have gift cards available, and not only will you be getting an amazing gift for your friends or family, but you'll also be supporting the shops.