The provincial government's cabinet and leadership group have been dealt a big blow.

Earlier this week, the Saskatchewan Party announced Donna Harpauer, Don McMorris, Gordon Wyant, and Dustin Duncan will not be seeking re-election this fall.

Sask. Minister of Health and Swift Current MLA Everett Hindley said it will be up to their entire caucus to fill the voids, but it appears time for renewal inside the party.

"To have people like Donna, Don, Dustin, and Gord around the cabinet table and around the caucus table bringing their experience and expertise to the decisions that we make and the discussions we have as a party and a government - - that's invaluable," he said. "But we do have a number of people that are able to step up and fill those shoes."

The second-term MLA first met McMorris and Harpauer in 1999 when he was serving as the constituency assistant to then Swift Current MLA Brad Wall. 

"I've been so fortunate to serve with them as a cabinet minister around the table, a member of the caucus, and also friends that I've known for quite some time," he said. 

Hindley works closely with Harpauer, Sask. minister of finance and deputy premier, on a regular basis to look at new initiatives for the province pertaining to his portfolio.

"She's one of the people I have to talk to and be able to convince and say this is why I think this is a good idea for my consistency but also for the province as a whole," he explained.

He also finds himself turning to McMorris and Duncan, both past ministers of health, to draw on their experience.

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