Dallas Smith and the band, The Odds were the featured entertainers at the annual holiday train stop in Swift Current this year.

The train stopped in front of a crowd of approximately 100 people who braved the cold -33-degree wind chill to hear 2 bands and support the Salvation Army Christmas Drive.

Donations of cash and food items were taken as the crowd was warmed with hot chocolate and good music.

Cp Rail made a donation of $5,500 to help bring the total donations to over $132,000.

Major Don Grad of the Salvation Army was there, in his toque and mitts, to accept the cheque and feels the total goal of $195,000 can be met.

Major Grad feels they are close to being ready for the building of hampers for families in need.

He reminds everyone that the application deadline for hampers is Today Wednesday, Dec 7. Hampers will be delivered between Dec 19 - 21.