This week's Original Joe's Workplace Superstar is Jazz Bahuaud who works at the Walmart Supercentre in Swift Current!

Her co-worker, Sarah Rampold, sent in the nomination for Jazz and told us this about her:

"Jazz is one of the most amazing people I know! She is kind and compassionate, she deals with all kinds of crazy and does it with a good attitude. She works harder than anyone I’ve ever met and she doesn’t do it for the recognition but she does it because she loves her job. She has trained me and many other coworkers and I know that without her I wouldn’t still be there! She is absolutely incredible."

Jazz has won a $25 gift certificate from Original Joe's and the title of Workplace Superstar for this coming week, and Sarah is now in our next nominators' draw, where she'll have a chance to win a $25 OJ's gift certificate of her own in a few weeks' time.

Nominate your co-worker for a chance to be our next Original Joe's Workplace Superstar on Swift Current Online!