Kim Kruse gets this weeks eagle applause for Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse. 

Kim was nominated by Leona Stewart who said: "I am nominating Kim Kruse - for always stepping up to make sure the meals on wheels are delivered to clients around the city, when we have a shortage of volunteers."

Kim says meals on wheels is an important program in Swift Current and wants to acknowledge and thank the many, many dedicated volunteers who make it happen every week, making sure hot, nutritious meals are delivered every day. The meals on wheels program is always looking for more volunteers to help. If you, your co-workers, service club, business, organization, friends are interested in helping contact volunteer services with the Saskatchewan Health Authority in Swift Current at 306-778-5114.

Thanks Leona for the great nomination and congratualtions Kim, both ladies get gift cards from Schultz's Ranch Country Meats in Morse...The Taste of Tradition From The Heart of Ranch Country.