Christopher and the Saints is a folk-rock quartet based in Saskatoon that pulls inspiration from 60s and 70s jam bands, with hints of roots and Americana.

Lead vocalist and guitarist Chris Vasseur of Swift Current, remembers their sound being described once as Pink Floyd with cowboy boots, something the band has wholeheartedly leaned into. 

He described their latest single Hey, Hey as a song that wrote itself.

"I lost my job recently to be perfectly honest, because of my mental health," he said. "It was a really frustrating day, and typically my therapy is to pick up the guitar ... and Hey, Hey is what came out. It's one of those songs that just magically comes about. And after I wrote it, I felt a million times better."

Each member of the band struggles with their mental health in some capacity, and as a group they make advocation a priority.

"We don't feel like we're getting a lot of attention in this province towards it," Vasseur said. "We have the highest rates of suicide in the entire country, and we have the least amount of resources for mental health, and our government doesn't seem to think it's very important. So, Hey, Hey. is a response to all of that."

The Recording Arts Institute of Saskatoon recorded the band's newest hit, and students' even lent their voices for the track. 

While nothing is set in stone yet, Vasseur hopes to bring the band to Swift Current for a hometown show in the future. One of their upcoming performances includes a mental health fundraiser in Prince Albert in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association on May 31.