An organization focused on maintaining water quality and stream health in the southwest for a quarter century is facing some uncertainty.

The Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards (SCCWS) have undergone a big shift in funding over the past couple of years, after the Ministry of Agriculture and the Water Security Agency ceased funding regional Watershed Stewardship Groups. 

Due to the reduction in funds, the SCCWS is now operating with just a summer student and part-time Executive Director, Kevin Steinley.

"We've been actively looking for funding for implementing projects and then using some of that to help with salaries, operational expenses and overhead expenses," he said. "We've been approaching different organizations that have funding opportunities and making applications to them, whether it's the federal government or private industry that have funding available."

Since its inception in 1998, the SCCWS has actively maintained the health and integrity of not only the Swift Current Creek but also surrounding bodies of water.

The organization's current detrimental situation affects their ability to work with producers on projects, educate southwest residents and hold networking events with stakeholders. It has also meant the SCCWS has posted significant losses in the past two years, with similar shortfalls predicted for this year.

"We've been actively searching for funding, and we are at present also looking at a significant opportunity for funding within the southwest," added Steinley. "We're in the very early stages, so I can't say much about it, but if it comes to fruition, it's a very exciting opportunity for the Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards and residents."

To discuss if the SCCWS and your organization can work together to implement projects and programming to benefit watershed stewardship, please contact Kevin Steinley at or (306) 770-4607.