After experience the effects of a provincial foundation, one Swift Current decided to raise money once again for it.

Amy Tynning is the owner of Swift Shoe and organized a fundraiser for the Jim  Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation, which raised a total of $4,705.

She said that this is her second time organizing a fundraising for the hospital, but this time it hits a little closer to home. 

 "I did a similar fundraiser a few years ago after having my first child," she said. "Since then, I've had twin boys that spent three weeks at the Royal University Hospital, so it became a little more important to me after that." 

 Tynning said part of the reason she wanted to do the fundraiser was that she knows that the money can help out someone. 

 "Having been there myself and just knowing, and I think everybody knows somebody who's spent some time there," she noted. "It's just important that we as a community come together and support great builds, and great infrastructure like that hospital because you never know when you or someone you know will need to use it. It just makes it a little bit easier for families in a hard time when there can be a great space like that." 

 Tynning said that the money would go towards a range of things. 

 "When I was there a couple of years ago when we left each night, we just had to say goodnight to our babies and wait until the morning, and now through fundraising and donation they have access for parents to log in through their phones to check in on their babies while they can't be there," she said. "Even things just like comfortable chairs for moms to nurse in, it comes down to even those little things that make it feel that much more like home." 

Around 30 businesses and individuals donated items in the silent auction.