A Swift Current man has become a beacon of hope within the local Motorcycle Ride for Dad organization as a dedicated supporter, participant and fundraiser. 

Following a prostate cancer diagnosis in 2021, Ed Wiebe found comfort and community in the charity's local branch while he went through treatment. 

His journey with the disease began in the early 2000s, however, when his father was diagnosed first.  

“It never really hit home to me because I know my dad's stubborn,” he said. “He was a very strong man. I've looked up to him my whole life. I still do. 

“Then when he got really sick, I knew something was wrong with me, so I asked my doctor what was going on because I was having urinating problems, I couldn't control it, and that's when he referred me to the cancer doctor,” Wiebe explained. 

He was presented with two options: radiation beads, or surgery to remove the prostate. Ultimately, through conversations with his doctors, he had his prostate removed. 

wiebe radiation / ct scans 2023

“I felt good, my numbers went down,” he said. “But it was tough, you know, being holed up at home for a month, couldn't work. I felt useless.” 

Wiebe remembers approaching Curt Purves with Swift Current’s Motorcycle Ride for Dad to be a volunteer and being met with immediate acceptance and support. His brother-in-law lent him a motorcycle for his first ride that year, and he hasn’t looked in the rearview since. 

“Curt phoned me the day before my last appointment and wished me luck,” he recalled. “He says, ‘We have meetings every Thursday night, you can come and join us to see what it's all about.’ And the rest is history.” 

Through participating in two annual rides, Wiebe has raised around $8,000 for the Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation (PCFF).  

This year, he’s one of the top fundraisers in the southwest, currently bringing in over $1,900 for the PCFF. 

wiebe april 2023

While he did get to ring the bell in April of 2023, Wiebe’s Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) jumped significantly this week, leaving him unsure of where he is in his fight against cancer. His next steps are a CT scan and potential biopsies.  

The support systems he has with his immediate family, the members of Ride for Dad, and his employers and coworkers, help fuel his strength to move forward with his head held high. 

“I got one hell of a wife and an amazing son, he's with me side by side,” he said. "He's got a heart of gold. He's got my back. My wife's got my back. We're a trio, nothing can split us up.”

While Wiebe’s father did beat the disease, he has since passed. His mother followed seven months later. Wiebe finds comfort knowing that his parents are together again along with three of his siblings.

This year’s ride leaves from the Living Sky Casino parking lot at 10 a.m., with a cruise through Swift Current featuring the Rogue Cruisers.