The southwest sees many species of birds stopping over who have begun their spring migration, making it an ideal time to recognize World Migratory Bird Day today.

While Sask. connects with multiple flyways used for migration, a large majority of the birds that can be found during this time of the year in the southwest come from the Central flyway.

According to the Nature Conservancy of Canada, the endangered whopping crane and thick-billed longspur can be found from April to September, while the threatened Sprague's pipit can be found on the prairies between April and August. 

The migrating birds make the miles-long journey to nest during the warmer months and will often use conservation areas where they can find shelter, food, and water. 

A few common birds also found in the southwest during the spring and summer include the American robin, clay-coloured sparrow, mourning dove, western meadowlark, and common grackle. 

Whereas during the autumn into winter months, the southwest tends to see the downy woodpecker and black-billed magpie. In contrast, the house sparrow, house finch, and black-capped chickadee can be found all year round.

People can set up bird feeders, nest boxes or houses, refrain from using pesticides and herbicides, and grow native plants and trees such as elderberries and wild grasses to attract migrating birds or lend them a helping hand.  

Thanks to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum's latest innovation, Birds Eggs of Canada, anyone can easily access a plethora of information about any eggs from different types of birds they may see.