On Wednesday, we asked you what your favourite smells of Christmas were for another chance to win a great prize from the vendors at Fall Into Christmas. Brenda Loustel-Wall was the winner of the draw, and has a $25 gift certificate from Kerr Kreations by Maureen, which she can use at their booth at the Stockade on September 30th and October 1st!

Also, since Colin was raving about how he loved the smell of fresh baking at Christmas, Jack and Phyllis from Schimmel's Dutch Bakery on Central Ave N cooked up a fresh apple pie and brought it to our office!


Here's today's question for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from Swift Current's own TooAquarius, which makes polymer clay jewelry, sculptures, vessels, Christmas ornaments, beads and decorative items...

"My family's traditional Christmas meal is ______________."

Congratulations to today's winner, Christine Gerbrandt! Check here tomorrow for our next question and your next chance to win!