It was a silent public hearing Monday night for an application from the Pioneer Co-Op.

The business filed an application with the City back in January to make changes to a zoning bylaw that would permit liquor stores to operate in the C4 - Shopping Center Commercial District.

Just before the public hearing began Swift Current Councillor Pat Friesen declared a conflict of interest with the application.

"Your worship before you start that one, I will declare a conflict of interest, I do contract with the folks that want to open this liquor store in the mall, so I will step out of the room," she told Swift Current Mayor Denis Perrault and the rest of council.

Moments later Perrault opened the public hearing without Friesen in the room, before closing it seconds later after nobody stepped forward.

The City noted after the hearing closed they didn't receive any oral or written submissions for or against the amendments to the bylaw.

City council will make their decision on the application at the next meeting on February 25.