Parker is a manager at W.A Grain & Pulse Solutions down in Pambrum.

He was nominated by his co-worker Peter, who shared a little as to why Parker deserves this award. 

"Always in a happy cheerful mood to greet you in the morning when you walk in. Always ensures everyone's top satisfaction, whether it be his employees, truckers, or farmers in general. Just has that vibe about him that makes you feel good about everything. Always willing to lend a hand. Super selfless. Definitely by far the best manager I've ever had. He makes you feel comfortable and safe at work. The kind of guy you see more like a friend than a manager. Anybody that knows him will say the same."

Parker has won himself a $25.00 gift card to Original Joe's for being our winner! Peter is now in our nominators draw where a group of nominators has a chance to win a $25.00 gift card of their own to OJ's. 

Make sure to go and nominate your co-worker for a chance to get them recognized as our Original Joe's Workplace Superstar!