Producers in southwestern Saskatchewan were treated with a significant amount of vital precipitation in May.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada data, Swift Current received well above its 139-year monthly average of 48.5 millimetres, obtaining 64.8 millimetres. The city hadn't seen a mark that high since 2016 when it collected 129.7 millimetres.

Cypress Hills recorded the most in the province with 177.2 millimetres with 52.5 millimetres coming on May 7.

Terri Lang, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, said the frequent spring rainfall could be a sign of good things to come this summer.

"It will be interesting to see what this May moisture does to the crops," she said. "We get a tremendous amount of moisture when the crops start growing. It's called evapotranspiration. It gives off a tremendous amount of moisture into the atmosphere which is used for storms to form. The past couple of summers it's been so dry that we haven't had great crops so the moisture hasn't been released. Last May, that's when all the fires started, and we had smoke so much of the summer suppressed thunderstorm activity."

It rained or snowed 14 of the 31 days in Swift Current during May with the largest one-day amount falling on May 7 at 18.3 millimetres.

The average temperature for May in Swift Current was 10.5 C, just shy of the monthly average of 10.9 C making it the 58th coldest on record.

sask map may_0Map courtesy of Environment and Climate Change Canada