Earlier this week, Premier Scott Moe made the announcement that an all-new oil and gas course will be available to students in Saskatchewan.

With oil and gas being a major industry in the southwest, it will be a great opportunity for youth to learn relevant skills in those fields. 

The course will be offered in 20-and 30-level classes. With Oil and Gas 20 being available for the second semester of the 2024/25 year and Oil and Gas 30 becoming available in the 2025/26 school year. 

This new opportunity is being made possible through cooperation between southwest company, Teine Energy, and Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre. 

Jason Denney, president and chief executive officer at Teine Energy, notes that the courses will consist of 50 hours of online work and 50 hours of work experience. 

“Our goal for this program is to deliver real-world experience, accelerate local energy-focused employment, and ultimately enable Saskatchewan grads to pursue well-paid, fulfilling careers within their home province,” said Denney.  

A sum of $150,000 is being provided by Teine Energy to fund the development of the program and student placements in worksites. 

Anyone interested in learning more about the oil and gas courses can visit the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre’s website.