For some Swift Current residents, scarves have been all they've been wrapped up in for months.

Various knitters, stitchers, and crocheters have spent the last couple of months creating scarves. All the work has been in preparation for 'Scarves to Share', an event that took place this last Saturday.

Scarves to Share saw hundreds of woollen neckwear given away to anyone who was in need. All made by hand, these labours of charity came into being after Joan Williamson had the idea for the event after hearing of a similar one in Arizona.

"It just looked so exciting to me so I just put up posters and asked 'do we have any volunteers'," said Williamson.

The support she received after inquiring amongst various care homes was tremendous. By the time she and her team of friends were ready to go to the Swift Current Mall with their goods, they had amassed close to 250 scarves to give away.

"We've really had a lot of cooperation with it," said Williamson. "People are anxious to do something for somebody else."

The ladies were given access to a central location and four tables. There, they spread out their wares, making sure that anyone who needed a piece of winter wear had the chance to bundle up this holiday season.

Any scarves that weren't picked up during the day were donated to local organizations like The Centre, the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre, Dories House, and the Salvation Army. The goal was never to have hundreds of scarves, but to help hundreds of people. Donating them where they will be used ensures that goal is met.