A valuable service dog has gone missing from a farm south of Swift Current, and her owner is asking for help from the public. 

Friday afternoon, Aloha the two-year-old German Shepherd service dog went missing from home, and the Anderson family seeks help from anyone who may know of her whereabouts. 

Rick Anderson, professional service dog trainer, stated that Aloha was his personal service dog, and she is priceless to him. 

"We've been trying really hard to get her back,” said Anderson. “We've flown around an airplane searching the whole area around Swift Current and we had drones up looking on the property elsewhere. There's been absolutely no sightings of her, so we don't know what happened, whether she's gone or if somebody took her.” 

Anderson said the dog is an inseparable part of the family, so this event was extremely strange. He has set a reward for helping to find the dog at $1,000, and can be reached by phone at 306-741-6666.