Rock the Rink is happening on Saturday, October 19, at the Canalta Centre in Medicine Hat, Alberta, featuring some of Canada's greatest figure skaters, including Olympic medallists Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir, Patrick Chan, Kaetlyn Osmond and Elvis Stojko, and special musical guests Birds of Bellwoods.

Starting on Monday, you can win tickets if you know enough about our rink, the Innovation Credit Union iplex. Each morning at 8:20am, we'll ask trivia questions based on fun facts about the home of the Swift Current Broncos and if you call in with the right answer, we'll put you in a draw for a chance to win tickets to Medicine Hat's rink, the Canalta Centre, to check out Rock the Rink this fall. To help you out, Colin will be dropping those correct answers during the Magic Morning Show between 7:00am and 7:30am, so listen carefully for those hints.

Also, for another chance to win, send us a photo of yourself or a member of your family on skates and you'll get another entry into that draw! Send us your photos by email at or post them on our Facebook page for your chance to win!

We will make the draws and contact our winners on Friday morning!