Mother Nature is shifting gears in southwestern Sask. this weekend from winter to spring.

The region is expected to see daytime highs well above the freezing mark for the foreseeable future which will eat away the snowpack that was created recently.

A ridge of high pressure swooping in from the Pacific will bring well-above-normal temperatures starting Saturday.

Natalie Hasell, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, said their weather models show the warm weather could be around for the next two weeks.

"In your situation, we could see air temperatures get above five (degrees) even though you have snow on the ground because of where this air is coming from," she said. "Normally if you have snow on the ground, we don't really get above five degrees."

With a snowpack of about 10 centimetres and temperatures yo-yo-ing around the freezing mark from day to night, it could create some slick conditions.

"There will be melting, then re-freezing because you're going to have temperatures below zero, if not right away when the sunsets, at some other time in the evening or the overnight period," she said. "Anything that does melt, can re-freeze. This freeze-thaw cycle is in the forecast for the entire week."

No sizeable amount of precipitation is being forecasted for the southwest during the next week, but Hasell did note a few systems moving through on March 13 and 17 could provide a bit of moisture.