The Swift Current Drag Race Association held their two-day race session over the weekend, packing the grandstands and tearing up the tarmac. 

This was the second weekend of three at the Swift Current Airport for dragsters to prove their mettle, with some reaction times down to hundredths of a second. Hair-splitting finishes and vehicular failures made for an exciting weekend at the dragstrip. 

Don Forness, the track announcer for the SCDRA was enthusiastic about the event’s success. 

“I like racing, period. I like the noise, I like the cars, I like the speed, and I love the competition,” said Forness. “I love the fact that the way the system is set up, someone who has a very slow car can race someone who has a very fast car because it's all about the handicap that we run into the computer... The way this system is set up, you can start racing at the age of eight. You can start racing full-size cars at 13. You can race on your own at 16. It's a lifetime love of Motorsports.” 

Forness started his announcing career in 1974, when a dirt track opened in his hometown of Moose Jaw. He noted two exciting moments in this weekend’s races, a tight final race in the Super-Pro category, and a lost wheel on the start light that turned a racer 90 degrees. 

"Pro division is in for the competition, but for sheer thunder, excitement, roar, and big horsepower, Super Pro is the top,” Forness stated. “We had good weather; it was hot and that kept the track sticky all day.”