Individuals across the country are preparing for an annual feel-good fitness event created to raise funds and awareness for mental health.  

The Canadian Mental Health Association is part of the national Push-up Challenge, inviting people to move their bodies and activate their brains’ feel-good neurotransmitters. 

Executive Director of the Swift Current Branch, Todd Vallee, said the unique fundraiser is designed for all athletic abilities and skill levels. 

“If push-ups aren't your jam, you can totally choose to do other things,” he said. “There are different variations of push-ups. You also don't need to do 100 per cent of the challenge, you can choose to do 75 or 50 per cent...whatever your speed is and whatever type of push up or physical activity that you'd like to do.” 

Kicking off on the first of February, the challenge runs through the 23 and can be done as an individual, a team, or a community.  

Each day of the challenge participants receive an exercise target with a corresponding mental health fact. The overall goal is to collectively complete 2,000 push-ups, that number representing the 20 per cent of Canadians who will experience a mental illness each year.   

Anyone in the southwest who chooses to take part can help the local CMHA branch continue to provide its Peer Support Program, Social Program, Meal Program, and Vocational Program.  

To register and download the app, go to the official Push-up Challenge website here.