Today marks the last workday in Swift Current for two Salvation Army Lieutenants. 

Bill and Renee Mailman moved to the city in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The couple are relocating to High River and are excited to be closer to family in the Calgary area but will miss the relationships they have formed in the southwest.  

“It feels like going home a little bit,” said Renee. “Now seems like a good time for our family with the age of our kids and some of the needs of our family was facing ... it’s time to go, which didn't necessarily make it an easy decision.” 

When asked about what they’ll miss most in Swift Current, it was a quick and easy answer from both.  

“The community,” said Bill. “The community is fantastic. The people are so friendly, they're so generous. We've never seen such a generous community. Anytime we need help people just step up, and there's food or there's money or whatever we need. Honestly, often we just have to ask and this community steps up.” 

The organization has an appointment system; he explained that lieutenants are consulted before any move is made, but ultimately, they get placed where they are needed most. 

"It always just comes back to the people in this community,” she added. “They are amazing, and the Salvation Army couldn't do what it does without the wonderful people. Our experience here wouldn't have been the same without all the people that we got to meet and work with. We’re excited to keep following what's happening here in Swift Current because we know there are some really wonderful things going on in this community.”