Last night may have been a cool one, but it didn't stop the good times rolling at Taillight Tuesday. 

The Living Sky Casino saw a packed northwest parking lot at car after car, truck after truck, and bike after bike came out to the weekly Show n' Shine. 

This week, as with the rest of the month of May, saw any donations being made going to the Swift Current Ride for Dad. The non-profit biker group will be donating that money to cancer research, specifically prostate cancer. 

Curt Purves, co-chair for the Swift Current Ride for Dad, was grateful to the host Rogue Cruisers for partnering with them and for helping them to raise awareness leading up to their big June 8th Ride for Dad. 

"We're happy with the turnout and we hope more people keep coming," said Purves. "It's a great event."

Swift Current Ride for Dad is currently selling shirts and other merch at Taillight Tuesday, generating funds to donate. Likewise, the Rogue Cruisers are taking any donations or proceeds from their own merch sales and donating them to Ride For Dad. 

The promotional aspect of getting to meet people from the community at Taillight Tuesday has been a key factor in getting the word of mouth to spread, according to Eric Wiebe, the social media manager for Swift Current Ride for Dad. 

"We're promoting with the Rogue Cruisers that on June 8th, we will be here (at the Living Sky Casino)," said Wiebe. "Fighting prostate cancer and getting money for prostate cancer research."

As far as the car show itself, Taillight Tuesday saw between 75 and 80 cars come and go throughout the evening. With how sour the weather looked during the afternoon, some people may have written the day off. However, those who waited out the clouds and saw the sunshine managed to come out with some very interesting automobiles. 

Cory Schultz, a co-founding member of the Rogue Cruisers, was quite happy with last night's turnout as he took in all the different rusted, chromed, and patina vehicles. 

"Guys are walking around and we just had a fella donate some parts to us," said Schultz. "We can go through them and see if there's some other people that can use them rather than just throw them out."

Next Week, Taillight Tuesday will see Swift Current Ride for Dad hosting a barbecue at the Living Sky Casino. If folks want to come down and purchase a burger and refreshments, all the proceeds will be going to prostate cancer research. The show will start at 6:30 p.m., with people also encouraged to bring down their favourite ride to show off, whether it's a hot rod, off-roader, motorcycle, or just their daily driver.