Swift Current is home to a lot of classic cars, but a few do generate some special interest.

One of the ones that pique curiosity every time it heads out around the town is Russel Hart's 1925 Model 25 T C Cab. While the rat rod customization is eye-drawing enough, it's what's under the lack-of-a-hood that really grabs folks' attention. 

Hart has this ride currently running a 337 Lincoln Flathead Motor. It's what came equipped in the vehicle when he purchased it three years ago, and he has been happy running all 165 horsepower of it ever since. 

This engine is equipped with a non-stock components, giving it a power increase not found in base models. This engine is equipped with a non-stock components, giving it a power increase not found in base models. 

"That's what makes this truck," said Hart. "You don't find them very much."

Produced for Lincoln cars between 1949 and 1951, this rare engine saw a very short production span. At most, these engines would produce 152-154 Brake Horsepower, between 265 and 275 foot pounds of torque. While after-market parts were available in the 1950s, they have since become a much rarer piece to find anything modern for. 

This is the only project car that Hart has at the moment. He isn't too eager to pick anything else up at the moment, although he has a soft spot for a Chevelle should he spot one in the right condition and price range.

For now, he is happy to tour his Model 25 to car shows around southwest Sask. The most common one folks can find him at his Taillight Tuesday, at the Living Skyy Casino. 

"Maple Creek, Rosetown, all of those, I will probably be there," said Hart. "Just coming out and looking at cars, it's a good time."

Taillight Tuesday will be on tonight, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Casino parking lot. If the rain starts up, people can expect to still see a few diehards out, and possibly a boat or two.