With sunny weather and even better people joining in, the Walk to End Cystic Fibrosis was a big success this year in Swift Current. 

Walkers, strollers, joggers, and even hustlers were gathered in Riverside Park on Sunday morning. Together, they were bringing in their pledges and donations for the walk, which helped to raise money for research into the disease. 

Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that affects the lungs, the digestive system, and various other organs in the body. Due to a protein defect, it inhibits the body's ability to produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. Currently, the life expectancy for Cystic Fibrosis is mid-30s to 40s, or even 50s if a person is lucky enough. 

Organizing the walk and volunteers at the Riverside Park event was Yvonne Laviolette, co-chair for the Walk to End Cystic Fibrosis. Her efforts culminated in Sunday's walkers taking off down the Chinook Pathway. 

"You don't have to make a donation to walk," said Laviolette. "You can just walk. Donations are totally voluntary. You can donate online anytime."

This year, $13,600 was brought in for the Walk to End Cystic Fibrosis. 

With close to 60 walkers at the start, many brought out friends and family, even pushing their youngest along in strollers to participate. 

Helping out with everything going on on the side was both the Kinettes of Swift Current and the Swift Current Ride for Dad. While Ride for Dad cooked up the burgers, the Kinettes helped out with refreshment stations and other on-the-walk labours. 

Laviolette and her Husband, Ben, are devoted members of both the Swift Current Kinsmen and the Kinettes, which prompted Tracy Prang, incoming president of the Kinettes, to come out and lend a hand.

"They pour their heart and soul into this walk every year," said Prang. "So the Kinettes are always excited to come out and do whatever we can to help with the walk to keep the walk going in Swift Current."

Curt Purves, co-chair for Swift Current Ride for Dad, was the man on the grill, cooking up hot dogs and burgers for the walkers returning from their lap around the Chinook Pathway. 

"We love supporting other charities around the community," said Purves. "We come out every year and do this, because it's a great cause as well."