Premier Brad Wall was back in his home constituency Monday to officially tour the newly completed 'The Meadows' long term care facility in Swift Current, the province's first P3 project.

Wall toured the building with Cypress Health Region CEO Beth Vachon with the facility built in mind to feel more of home care as opposed to institutional care.

Speaking to media, Wall also commented on the warmer atmosphere of the new facility and said he hopes local students will become involved.

"This a great day for Swift Current. I love that it is by the school, I hope there's an integration with the school and the kids come over often, we know there's a great salutory impact on young people in terms of long term care residents. The location here is very fortuitous."

"I remember when [wife] Tami and I would drop off fans at the Swift Current Care Centre when there was a heat wave and the air conditioner wasn't working. So many other people in the communities did that to provide support and it underscored a need. This is a great day, it has been a priority for me as an MLA nevermind other jobs I've had, just as the MLA for Swift Current for a long time so it is a good day."

Health Region officials received keys to 'The Meadows' Friday April 29th.

Vachon told Wall throughout the facility walk-through that designs within the new homes were made with collective opinions from those who make up the foundation of healthcare for long term care residents.

"I think that he [Premier Wall] certainly appreciates all of the thoughtfulness and planning that went into this building and how we gathered all of that input from certainly a variety of people – residents, staff, family members, consultants and professionals, who are very skilled at doing this. This has been a very good process and we’re very confident that the design we’ve created will really allow us to provide exactly the kind of care that we want to provide," said Vachon.

The first move in date for 'The Meadows' is set for June 5th.