It was a first for the Western Canada Summer Games in 2019.

For the first time this year, a venue was tested as their mountain bike course hosted the Sask Cycling Antelope Bonker Cup on Sunday. 

"It was a great event. We had just over 60 participants from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta attend," Melissa Shaw, co-chair for the Western Canada Summer Games, said. "We were really fortunate to see some of the potential athletes from Team Saskatchewan and Team Manitoba here and got to test out the new course for the first time." 

Shaw noted that the course designer and technical officials for the games were in attendance to witness the first test for the track. 

"They were really happy with the course, the design, and how it held up," Shaw said. "It was a great learning experience moving into the Games in a few months." 

Shaw said that they are on track for when the action kicks off on August 9.

"We are just under the 60 days, so we are just hitting the home stretch before all the athletes arrive," she said. "There's excitement to watch the athletes, but excitement to also know the athletes are really coming here. It's not going to be very long and all of the venues and all of our volunteers will be busy getting those last-minute details." 

Shaw added that the only thing they are really looking for is volunteers.