Some of Swift Current's common clothing donation bins will be disappearing for the foreseeable future.

The yellow bins located in multiple locations across the city will be picked up earlier next week by Community Living due to a slow down in the industry.

Value Village has created the backlog by slowing their purchasing of clothing from Community Living, which sells the clothing donations to fund their programming.

"Our ability is incredibly greater by selling the clothing than just giving it to people," Travis Neufeld, the communications and marketing manager with Inclusion Saskatchewan and Community Living, said. "The funding that we get every year plays a significant role, it's a huge part of Inclusion Saskatchewan's budget."

Community Living has a donation centre in Saskatoon but they're worried they'll end up swamped in clothing and have nowhere to put it before selling it by the pound to Value Village.

"As a result, we're continuing to collect clothing but we don't really have an avenue to sell it, so we're just storing it," he said. "We kind of have to remove the bins because our bins are quite popular, every time they go to collect them they're full."

The three bins are expected to be taken away on Tuesday but could potentially return as early as springtime according to Neufeld.