Hundreds of people gathered in Swift Current's Memorial Park on Canada Day for a flag raising and program to celebrate the day.   

Icasiana De Gala, from the Newcomer Welcome Centre, was one of the guest speakers and says it was great to see it return to an in-person event. 

“I know the pandemic has taught us how to celebrate, you know, virtually and all of that, but there's nothing compared to being in person and seeing all this,” she said. “The crowd here, celebrating, seeing the flag, being raised, and Oh Canada being sung.” 

It was the first time since 2019 the Canada Day flag raising, and program was held in person. 

De Gala added that the day holds significant importance for all Canadians, including those who have recently found shelter in the country. 

“For the new Canadians who have done their citizenship over the last two years, I'm sure this is such a great moment for them,” she explained. “Such a great pride to be here today and really feel the communities welcome. There's nothing more important than the community welcoming you when you go to a new home.” 

The celebrations also included free hot dogs and cupcakes for all in attendance.