A Swift Current student will be cruising into the school year with a helping hand from the Eliminators Car Club.

The Eliminator's bursary of $500 was awarded to Kaleb McBurney, who will be using the money to help pay for his living and educational expenses while learning a trade of his choice. 

Part of the qualifying conditions for this bursary, being that the Eliminators are a car club, is that he must be entering an automotive-related trade. 

Stuart Johnson, president of the Eliminators Car Club, is excited to be supporting the next generation of the automotive industry. 

"(The bursary) is something we put aside every year," said Johnson. "We've been doing it for quite a while now and it's something we plan on continuing to do just to support the upcoming guys and girls and do whatever we can to help out."

In honour of his selection, McBurney was brought out to the Eliminators Car Club in Swift Current, and presented with the cheque in person. 

McBurney was also invited to come by and hang out with everyone in the car club if he wanted to, making use of their accumulated decades of knowledge on everything automotive. 

He was selected from a host of applicants this year, so to make sure he honours the privilege, some checks and balances are in place to make sure the money is used responsibly. 

"Actually we had quite a few really good applicants this year, which is good to see," said Johnson. "Hope to see that again next year."

If any students feel like they could qualify for the Eliminators bursary, they can ask their school for more information, and proceed through the application process. 

"Our application doesn't doesn't take long to fill out," said Johnson. "Then we're glad to help you. You can just talk to the school advisors there and they'll hook you up with everything you need."