A charity golf tournament took place over the weekend, honouring a firefighter who passed away four years ago.  

The Darren McClelland Memorial Charity Golf Classic took place on Friday, raising money for the Doctor Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation, Swift Current Fire Department and EMS.  

Chris Martens, executive director at the Foundation, stated that despite some brisk winds, participants had a great time. 

“We had 152 golfers out for the event this year, so we were right full and squeezed a couple of extras in there as well,” said Martens, before remarking that tickets sold out in just 15 minutes. “It was a wee bit windy and then cloud coverage made things a little bit chilly, but there was really no one in a sour mood. Everyone was enjoying the day.” 

The winning team that took the low score of 58 consisted of Tim Hoffner, Trevor Fite, Jason Seltzer and Jody Allen. Beyond the regular tournament, additional skill-testing holes as well as food and drink holes augmented the experience. Louie D’s Catering also ran a ‘build your own’ burger bar, keeping the charitable athletes sustained. 

“We also had some really great volunteers from RBC and SaskAbilities that helped throughout the day,” expressed Martens. “We wouldn't be able to complete a lot of the different events and games that we had without their assistance.” 

Martens also expressed gratitude towards Nicole McClelland for her hard work in organizing and making the event a reality.